Friday, February 25, 2011

29 Weeks!

WEEK: 29
WEIGHT: 16lbs 
LENGTH: 27in
HEAD: 17in
MILESTONES: She is getting increasingly more steady sitting unassisted. She has also started pulling herself across her mat because she can easily. It's pretty cute.
OBLIGATORY ADORABLE PICTURE: Taken today at 29 weeks 2 days because the last couple of days she has been an über grump.
EATING: Avery's newest food was a tiny bit of yuca on Monday. I was surprised she liked it because she wasn't such a fan of sweet potatoes -- of which family yuca is a member. 
SLEEPING: Avery has not been sleeping well in her Pack N Play so she has been sleeping more in our bed. I feel like we all sleep better because I can just open my eyes and see that she is okay rather than having to get up and turn over to see her -- especially since she has taken to rolling over onto her stomach in her sleep when she is in her Pack N Play.
VISITS/OUTINGS: On Saturday we celebrated Avery's new cousin, Harvey, with a baby shower for Justin's cousin, Aimee. 
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: I'm not sure Avery is a fan, but I love watching her learn how to make her way over to the toys she wants. I think she gets frustrated, but I think it's pretty cute when she actually succeeds.
MOMMY FEELS: Sad that I am missing the entire day when she is practicing her new skills. And since she has been having rough days where she won't nap for anyone but me she only falls asleep as soon as I get home. Then I miss out even more.

WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: Finding a new home that has more room so we are not always tripping over Avery's things and each other.

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