Thursday, August 4, 2011

12 Months!

52 weeks. 12 months. 1 year.

Holy moly. Where did the time go? I can't believe she is 12 months old. Avery has accomplished some awesome things this month.

- Hi fives: Avery can now high five and low five. We're working on the simultaneous hi ten next.
- Mama: She says Mama. To me, about me and for me. It's the best noise I've heard since I heard that first cry the day she was born.
- Pony ride: Avery had her very first pony ride this month when we went to the state fair.
- Shhh: Avery loves to tell you shhh. I really like that she understands what shhh means and actually does it!
- Sippy: Avery mastered the sippy early in the month and has been using it like a champ ever since.


  • develop an attachment to a comfort object, like a teddy bear or a blankie, as she continues to find new ways to soothe herself Avery has had an attachment for a while to a particular type of fabric. Luckily we have three blankets that have this fabric and so far they are interchangeable to her.
  • explore away from parents in a safe environment, as her confidence grows She loves to play independently, but frequently looks for one of us to make sure we are watching and especially loves when we talk to her as she is playing about what she is doing.
  • begin to walk more steadily on her own She's been walking for two months now! A lot of people are shocked to know that she is only 1 because of how well she walks (and how big she is compared to other kids her age).
  • begin to grab up small crumbs or pieces of food with two fingers She has been doing this since the start, but has recently become more picky by wanting to be fed with a fork or spoon. She's quite the diva.
  • learn how to stack two blocks and scribble on paper Avery can stack her blocks and loves to knock them back over. I've never offered her a paper and crayon or marker to scribble, so I am not sure she could.
  • begin to expand beyond her one-syllable vocabulary She says what sounds like hot and dog. I am not sure it's a coincidence or her obsession with the "Hot Dog Song" on the Mickey Mouse Club House.
  • begin to imitate animal sounds She makes noises back at the dog, but it doesn't really sound like a bark.
  • continue to search for hidden objects as her understanding of permanence grows There is no hiding things from this girl. If you take something away and try to put it behind your back or in your pocket she knows where to find it and usually isn't happy until she does. We are becoming very adept at distraction techniques.
  • begin to point to things and look at pictures as her curiosity about her world increasesing Avery is definitely a girl. She loves to stare at herself in the mirror and look at pictures of herself.

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