Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Olivia: 7 Months!

Weight: 20lbs 1.5oz


  • stretch her body or try standing on tiptoes to reach a toy Olivia sure is determined when she sees something she wants. She will contort herself in all kinds of ways to get whatever it is.
  • get upset if you take a toy away, as her memory continues to develop and she begins to understand that "no toy equals no play" It's something we have to stress with Avery that she cannot take a toy from Olivia without offering something else in return because Olivia gets upset when she doesn't have what she wants.
  • identify what you're feeling by the tone of your voice Olivia loves the soft, sweet voice of lullabies and doesn't particularly care for Avery's loud, rambunctious voice.
  • eat a cracker or piece of finger food by herself Olivia has always eaten 'whole' foods but she recently started wanting to share my English muffins.

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