Friday, April 15, 2011

36 Weeks!

WEEK: 36
WEIGHT: best guess is around 20lbs
LENGTH: 28ish inches
HEAD: 18ish inches
MILESTONES: A couple, actually! Avery is up and crawling on all fours. She is so much faster now that she doesn't have to pull her body weight with just her arms. She is saying dada. Justin says she has been saying it for a couple weeks, but I wasn't believing him because I'd only heard her say dadadadadad, which is just babble -- until one day he was gone to the store and Someone pulled up outside and slammed the car door. Avery looked out the window and said, "Dada?" in the most inquisitive tone. It was unmistakable and so so cute.
OBLIGATORY ADORABLE PICTURE: She has this new big smile where she scrunches up her nose and smiles really big.

EATING: We are re-introducing foods slowly after some serious gas and poop issues. So far, so good. 
SLEEPING: I can't tell if it's getting better, or we're just getting used to this new chaos. 
VISITS/OUTINGS: We have been sort of home-bodies this week, but the next few weekends we have lots of play=dates scheduled -- plus Easter!
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: Avery likes to crawl as fast as she can to the fireplace and see if she can beat us there. We are always diligent, though, and she never wins. I can't wait until next week when we move and don't have to worry about her burning her hands on the hot fireplace.
MOMMY FEELS: ready to move. Our new apartment isn't ideal, but it has much of what we need and most of all more space. I think it will be a good move. 
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: Easter and getting the new apartment all set up and having carpet for Avery to learn to walk without worrying about her cracking her head open on the hardwood floors.

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