Wednesday, March 9, 2011

31 Weeks!

WEEK: 31
WEIGHT: 18lbs 7oz <-- WOW! 
LENGTH: 27+ inches
HEAD: 18+ inches
MILESTONES: She is mobile! Avery has mastered army crawling on our hardwoods, but she's still working on moving on carpet. 
OBLIGATORY ADORABLE PICTURE: Taken today at 31 weeks exactly.
EATING: Avery has been very adventurous with new foods. She's had green beans and Mexican rice so far this week. 
SLEEPING: Avery has been showing her preference for not sleeping alone. Some say we are setting ourselves up for trouble letting her sleep with us, but I love having my baby next to me. Plus we have a huge European King bed so there is plenty of room for everyone.
VISITS/OUTINGS: We had our first visit to the emergency room last night. Long story short she was splashed with hot water during a bath and because she is so young the on-call pediatrician said she should be looked at right away. Everything is fine and there are no blisters -- as you can see in this picture.
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: Avery loves showing off her new-found independence by crawling all over.
MOMMY FEELS: So guilty for letting Avery get splashed with the water. I should have held her hands down or just used a cup or something. Everyone says I shouldn't beat myself up about it and it was just an accident, but I still feel bad. 
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: Finding a new, bigger home so we have more room for Avery to grow... and so I don't have to keep tripping over her things so much.

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