Friday, March 18, 2011

32 Weeks!

WEEK: 32
WEIGHT: 18.5+ lBS 
LENGTH: 27+ in
HEAD: 17+ in
MILESTONES: Avery has learned to sit up from laying down all by herself! She's been sitting unassisted for almost a month, but she had to be put there. Now she can get from laying down to sitting up all by herself!
OBLIGATORY ADORABLE PICTURE: Taken today - 2 days late. Believe it or not this was the best photo of the batch. She wanted nothing to do with sitting in the chair. This was her just before she almost leapt out of the chair. Luckily it is a fairly deep chair so she did not end up on the floor!
EATING: Avery only tried one new food this week. She had toast on Tuesday and did not seem to like it. I think it might have been too "scratchy". We'll try again in a few weeks.
SLEEPING: Avery has slept in her Pack N Play almost the whole night the last three nights. While on the one hand it's nice to have space to roll over and move around, I miss having her to snuggle up with. Plus I am up every hour peeking over at her to make sure she is okay. One of the nights I checked on her and she was sleeping face down with her cute little tushy up in the air. It was adorable, but I still had to put her back on her back so I could sleep better.
VISITS/OUTINGS: Avery spent the day at Courtney's house today playing with Joe Joe and Gracie. She loves playing with them and from what I can tell they love playing with her too.
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: Avery loves trying to get everywhere by herself. She is getting so fast so we have to really keep an eye out. Luckily we baby-proofed last weekend, so it gives me just an extra second of reaction time.
MOMMY FEELS: Cramped.!
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: finding a house with more space.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the house hunt!! Just remember, more space = more cleaning, lol. :P

    Avery is adorable as always.
