Saturday, March 5, 2011

Adventures in Baby-led Weaning

As you know we have been practicing Baby-led Weaning. We been focusing on mostly single foods like steamed carrots, sweet potatoes, squash etc. Nothing with combined flavors or textures and certainly nothing spicy.

Until today.

Today I was at lunch with my friend Christina and her daughter Lailah at a local Mexican food restaurant. I had Avery on my lap with my plate pushed away from me so she couldn't get it, but when I reached forward she took the opportunity to snag the Mexican rice off my plate and promptly shoved it into her mouth.

I was concerned how she would take it because she had never experienced anything like it flavor-wise, but to my surprise she loved it. She kept eating and eating -- making one huge mess for the waiter, which I tipped well for, of course. Before we left I put what was left of the rice into a container for her to enjoy tomorrow.

Now I guess I have two choices:

1. Learn how to make Mexican rice
2. Buy the Mexican rice from the restaurant once a week and ration it out.

Either way I can't deprive her of her new favorite food!

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