Thursday, March 10, 2011


On Tuesday night I was giving Avery a bath in her bathtub when I noticed a "toy" floating in the water that I didn't put there. Avery had pooped in the tub! So I picked her up to finish her bath in the kitchen sink. As I was rinsing her off with the removable faucet when she reached around and knocked the hot/cold handle all the way to scalding hot and the hot water splashed her in the face and head.

In 1.290539 seconds I had turned the faucet off and grabbed her out of the sink. I felt how hot her skin was and immediately sprayed her with cold water to stop any of the burning. After I got her out and put her diaper on I called the advice nurse who spoke with the on-call pediatrician. After going through a thousand questions about how long she was sprayed, how hot it was, how she was breathing, how it looked, it was decided that it was a 1st degree burn (redness, but no blisters) and that because it was such a large area that was exposed that she needed to be seen by a doctor before the morning.

Since Justin's car was in the shop he had taken my car to bowling, so I called his sister, Stacy, to take us until Justin could meet us there. By the time she arrived Avery's head and face had gone from tomato-red to slightly pink and by the time we got to the emergency room she was back to normal. She was even laughing and playing with Stacy when we were put in the room.

After all was said and done the doctor said she would be fine. I was so relieved, but at the same time I feel so guilty. I know I should have just used a cup to rinse her or held her hands better or something. It was an honest accident, but I can't help but feel sad at the image of my little girl's bright read face.

1 comment:

  1. So glad she's okay! You are a great mom though, you didn't do anything wrong, it could happen to anyone! I can't believe how big she is getting!
