Wednesday, July 28, 2010

38 Weeks of excitement

Yesterday we had our 38 weeks appointment. I was seeing a doctor I don't normally see and was informed the day before that all the doctors were double booked, so to expect a wait. Since my appointment was at the end of the day I didn't mind too much.

We got there are 4:30 because my appointment was at 4:45. After waiting in the waiting room until 5:05, the nurse finally called us back. She sat me down, put on the blood pressure cuff and then ran into another room with the doctor. Right before she closed the door she told me to wait until it beeps and then take the cuff off. She would be back to get us in a minute.

Umm. Okay....

So I did what she said and we waited for her to come back. Once she did -- 10 minutes later -- she weighed me and put us in a room to wait for doc. During the wait Justin and I were chatting and all the sudden hear another patient outside the room yell for the nurse. We could hear the husband sort of chuckling saying, "I think she wet herself."

I thought to myself, "No you idiot, her water just broke!"

Then I overheard the woman tell that to the nurse and the nurse say, "Well it looks like you're going to have your baby soon!"

This whole situation caused everyone to run even later and left us in the room for another 15 minutes. So around 5:30 the doctor finally came it. I didn't mind waiting because I was excited for that woman to be having her baby. Although, secretly I was jealous -- okay, well maybe not so secretly because as soon as he came in I said, "I'll have whatever she just had!"

He laughed, but said I would have to wait my turn. Dang!

Anyway, the rest of the appointment was quick and good.

BP: 128/66
Pulse: 71
Weight: No gain (what did you think I was really going to put it in print? HA!)
Fetal Heart rate: 140
Belly Measuring: 36 This is a good thing even though I am 38 weeks because it means she has dropped a little into the birth canal and is not taking up so much room in my belly -- it also explains my huge appetite lately because she's not pressing right up on my stomach!

I go in next Monday for another appointment -- if I'm "still pregnant by then" according to the doc. We'll see!!!

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