Wednesday, November 10, 2010

14 weeks!

WEEK: 14
WEIGHT: 12lbs is my best guess.
LENGTH: I would say close to 24 inches. 
HEAD: Round like her mama!
MILESTONES: She is thisclose to rolling over! I really hope I get to see it and she doesn't do it for the first time at daycare. I would just kick myself if I miss it! She is also sitting assisted in her Bumbo seat! (See next post.)
OBLIGATORY ADORABLE PICTURE: Week 14 photo in daddy's chair. She is really starting to fill it up compared to the first one we did at two weeks!
EATING: Still eating 6-7 times per day and 4 oz at a time; however the first one we have upped to 5oz. Since she sleeps through the night she wakes up very hungry!
SLEEPING: Avery has slept through the night since about 6 weeks. And we are very appreciative. She also takes 2 long naps and usually one short one during the day. 
VISITS/OUTINGS: Avery will finally be able to meet her friend Capri on Saturday!
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: Sleeping. (Still!) She's also discovered she has hands recently so she likes to see what they can do. So far she has mastered putting them in her mouth as far as they will go until she chokes herself, and staring at them for several minutes without losing focus.
MOMMY FEELS: Sad. I hate being at work because I feel like I miss almost the whole day. I drop her off at 7:30am and pick her up at 5:15. By the time we get home, cook and eat dinner, take a bath, and get her jammies on it's time for bed! 
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: Hopefully I will be moving to part time very soon!

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