Thursday, March 4, 2010

No... I'm not impatient at all...

Now that we've moved into our new house, we have a nursery just waiting to be filled. Unfortunately we don't find out the sex until Monday, March 22nd @ 2:30 pm.

If I listen to all the old wive's tales, most say girl but of course that's not a definite answer. So I called my Perinatologist's office and asked them to move it to the 11th which is when I have a check up with my OB. I told them the reason was so that I didn't have to take time off from work on two different days -- although we all know the real reason. They said I wouldn't be far enough along to get accurate measurements of the anatomy. They said I would have to be 19 weeks 3 days at the minimum.

Of course this prompted me to call back a second time on another day so as to better the odds of getting someone different on the phone who might be more accommodating. This time I asked if I could move it to Friday, March 19th -- since I would actually be 19 weeks 4 days. Again I am shot down.

I suppose I should put on my big girl panties and wait like I'm told, but I'll sit here and pout a while instead.

Hurry up March 22nd!

1 comment:

  1. go to one of those 3d places in the mall!!! that do the 3d ultrasounds.. im not sure how much they are tho!?! eeeeeek i can't wait to hear!!!!
