Sunday, December 12, 2010

18 Weeks!

WEEK: 18
WEIGHT: 14lbs 9oz
LENGTH: 27inches
HEAD: perfect!
MILESTONES: Avery had her first major illness: chicken pox. We aren't sure where she picked them up but we went to the doctors this morning and confirmed them. She doesn't seem to uncomfortable except the ones in the diaper area, but she is a little whiny. 
OBLIGATORY ADORABLE PICTURE: This picture was actually taken today at 18 weeks 4 days because we had been so busy this week and she was pretty cranky.
EATING: Avery is moving up! She gets three 4oz bottles and three 5oz bottles a day now! It's probably why she gained 11oz in 12 days!
SLEEPING: The last few days have not been great sleep with the pox, but better than I thought they would be. A won't sleep swaddled and she won't sleep unswaddled laying flat so she will be sleeping in her swing until the chicken pox go away.
VISITS/OUTINGS: We visited Grandma and Grandpa Nunley and Uncle Trevor on Saturday for Uncle Trevor's birthday. Of course we also visited the doctor's office in Vallejo this morning to get checked out. 
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: Snuggling with her mama -- which I totally don't mind, but I wish it was under better circumstances.
MOMMY FEELS: Helpless. There's little I can do to help her and she can't itch because she doesn't have that skill yet so she gets so upset sometimes and all I can do is rub her. We are going to try an oatmeal bath tomorrow.
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: Obviously this chicken pox going away. But more excitingly we are looking forward to Christmas with the family.

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