Thursday, December 16, 2010

19 Weeks!

WEEK: 19
WEIGHT: 14lbs 9oz at last weigh on Dec. 12th.
LENGTH: 27 inches
HEAD: We don't measure it regularly but it's 90th percentile for her age and length.
MILESTONES: Nothing new this week. We are trucking along with making it through the chicken pox. We're 1 week in. 
EATING: Avery is officially eating 3 bottles of 5oz and 4 bottles of 4oz. 
SLEEPING: We're officially sleeping unswaddled. It actually happened by accident. She did not want to be swaddled with the first set of pox and now she is happy as a clam sleeping with her hands above her head. The only downside is it takes a little while longer to get her to stop playing with her feet and actually go to sleep.
VISITS/OUTINGS: A stayed with Grandma for an hour on Wednesday while I went to my company Christmas party. Otherwise we are staying home while she is still contagious.
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: A loves playing with her feet. They're her new favorite toys. Luckily they're always an arm's (or leg's!) reach away.
MOMMY FEELS: Better this week. I feel like I have a handle on the whole chicken pox thing. We have a routine going so she can be as comfortable as possible.
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: Since almost all of A's pox have scabs she is not contagious anymore so we are going to the mall and Babies 'R Us to finish up Christmas shopping. We have 3 gifts under the tree. All of which are for A. We need to get on it.

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