Sunday, December 12, 2010

Chicken Pox

We have hit an unsavory milestone. Her first big illness. She has the chicken pox. I notices a couple bumps on Friday night then on Saturday morning a couple more. So I called the advice nurse and she said it was likely a viral rash and that we should call the doctor on Monday.

By Saturday evening she had them everywhere. At least one on each limb several on her head and face -- even in her "diaper area". I called the advice nurse again and she said she would put in a call to the on-call pediatrician and he would call me in the morning. At 9:30 Sunday morning the appointment setter for the after hours clinic called and said they wanted to see us.

She gave us instructions on where to go since we had to go in a special door they called the "rash door" where all highly contagious patients go. This makes sense to me that they want to keep the other kids away, but seems silly to put all the contagious kids together. I mean their immune systems are already compromised by whatever illness they already have that it would be much easier to pick up another one. Luckily we were the only ones in that area.

Basically the doctor said he thinks it's chicken pox but just to be sure he popped one of the blisters and took a swab to have it tested. Basically he said just to make her as comfortable as possible and keep her home from daycare until every blister has a hard scab. It should take about a week and a half to two weeks.

My poor baby. These pictures look terrible but it looks even worse in person.

1 comment:

  1. Poor girl :( . I hope it clears up soon and it doesn't make her too uncomfortable.
