Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas crafting.

I want to start a tradition of baking and crafting with A during Christmas time. I figure there is no better time to start than from the beginning.

I found this recipe and had to try it. It was so easy and something I could do while A sat on the counter and watched. When she gets older it will be a great one to do together.

Here's the short version of instructions with my personal photos.

Chocolate Candy Cane Hearts

Prep: Melt 1 bag of chocolate chips (I used semi-sweet because that's what I like.) in a double boiler. 

Step 1: While chocolate melts, lay out mini candy canes on a piece of wax paper facing each other so they form hearts. (I put the wax paper on a large cutting board so they were easy to move.)
Step 2: Let the chocolate cool a little then pour into a piping bag (or thick ziplock bag -- like the quart size freezer bag.) Cut a small hole in the corner of the bag.

Step 3: Pipe the chocolate into the center of the hearts making sure that the tops and bottoms are closed so it doesn't leak out.

Step 4: Decorate with sprinkles.

Step 5: Let cool to harden.

Step 6: Enjoy!

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