Wednesday, January 12, 2011

23 Weeks!

WEEK: 23
WEIGHT: 15+ lbs
LENGTH: 27+ in
HEAD: I affectionately call it a pumpkin head because it's round like mine.
MILESTONES: Avery got her first highchair! Not much of a milestone, but a move in the right direction!
OBLIGATORY ADORABLE PICTURE: taken at exactly 23 weeks on daddy's chair.
EATING: We tried avocado today, but A was too sleepy. We will try again in a few days. 
SLEEPING: We bought a new bed -- European King! -- so that we can safely co-sleep with Avery. We start out with her in her pack 'n play and when she wakes around 3am I bring her in bed with us. I love that extra time snuggling with her. 
VISITS/OUTINGS: Starting the last couple of weeks A has been going to Justin's dad's ex-wife's house every Tuesday and Thursday since she is retiring and has those days off. It may seem like a weird arrangement but Ma'am and her husband Ken have always been around and who am I to turn down cheap childcare!? Plus Ma'am is going to be watching another baby starting this summer, so A will have a little friend! Not to mention that Aunt Stacy and cousin Dylan come by every day to play with her!
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: Eating toes is the national passtime in Averyland. As soon as the socks come off, the feet go in the mouth.
MOMMY FEELS: So proud that my little girl is growing up so big and healthy, but a little sad it's going so fast. 
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: Trying new foods and the time when A will realize that in order to crawl or scoot she has to push up with her hands and her feet at the same time rather than pushing up with her feet and shoving her face into the ground. :::sigh:::

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