Sunday, January 23, 2011

What's on the menu today?

The last two weeks we have been giving A solids. We started with oatmeal, pears, and carrots. She hadn't been very impressed with anything other than the oatmeal... until tonight! She has a new favorite food.

She's bananas over bananas!

She was having a hard time holding on to the banana so I rolled them in oatmeal and she was able to grip them to get them in her mouth. She actually ate about 1/5 of a whole banana by her self. When she had broken the banana into pieces too small to grasp I mashed up the rest of the banana and mixed it with her oatmeal.

She loves to play with her spoon, so I give her a spoon and I use my spoon to put some on her spoon. Then she can put it in her mouth herself. She's actually getting pretty accurate!

With a spoon.
Finger foods.

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