Wednesday, January 19, 2011

24 Weeks!

WEEK: 24
WEIGHT: 17lbs+
HEAD: still a cute little pumpkin head!
MILESTONES: Avery has officially started food! We started with pears and she seemed pretty unsure of it. She does seem to like the oatmeal. She devours it! We are trying carrots now.
OBLIGATORY ADORABLE PICTURE: She is finally starting to show interest in sitting up. She is very sturdy with a support behind her. Before we know it she will be sitting up by herself!
EATING: Pears, carrots and oatmeal. Oatmeal is by far the front runner so far!
SLEEPING: We finally got a big enough bed to safely cosleep with A. It has been working out that she falls asleep in her Pack N Play in our room, then when she wakes around 3am we bring her into bed with us. We all sleep great. 
VISITS/OUTINGS: When Grandma Denise gets off work on Tuesdays and Thursdays she has started picking up A from Ma'am's house. She started this Tuesday and it seems to be working well!
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: A is getting so big and independent. Most times she would much rather play by herself on her mat or in her jumperoo. 
MOMMY FEELS: So proud of my big girl.
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: I am so anxious to start working part time. It's only a matter of weeks now!


  1. How are our babies SO OLD?? lol! Time flies man.

  2. I loved when A was big enough where I felt comfortable to co-sleep. Morning snuggles are the best! She'll be sitting in her own in no time.
