Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pear? What's a pear?

Tonight we had our first experiment with food other than milk. We have decided to go with a process called Baby Led Weaning (BLW) instead of the traditional method of feeding a baby purees by spoon. The very basic concept is that you give your baby the opportunity to explore food in their own time they will have a healthy concept of food and family meals.

A has been getting increasingly more interested in our food lately, so last night when we were eating dinner (stew) I cut up a pear and gave her a piece. She let it sit on her tray for a bit while she looked at it and we just kept eating so as not to put any pressure on her.

After a few minutes I notice her trying to pick it up but it's too slippery so I cut little notches in the sides like little finger holes and hand it to her. Immediately she tried to shove the whole thing in her mouth. It was hilarious. 

I don't know if she really liked it or not, but it sure looked like she had fun with it. After she was done we tried giving her a sippy of water. Let's just say she hasn't mastered it yet. Here are some shots:
"How fast can I get this in my mouth?"
"How much can I fit in there?"

"Hmm, this is new."

"Mmm. This is yummy!"

"Why can't I get the water out!?"

1 comment:

  1. Great shots of her trying her first pear! Looks like it went well
