Friday, January 28, 2011

25 Weeks!

WEEK: 25
HEAD: cute and round
MILESTONES: No big milestones this week, but every day is an accomplishment because I can see her learning all about her surroundings and how things work. 
OBLIGATORY ADORABLE PICTURE: It was taken today, two days late because the last two nights she has gone to sleep early and we didn't get to get the picture in.
EATING: We have successfully added bananas to our food menu. Tonight we started whole grain, multi-grain cereal. According to research introducing gluten to an infant's diet after 4 months, but before 6 months is shown to reduce the likelihood they will have Celiac Disease (a gluten intolerance).
SLEEPING:  Avery has decided that she would like more sleep at night and less sleep during the day, which is a-okay by me. She goes to bed between 8 and 8:30pm and when we go to bed around 10 I "dream feed" her (feeding while not fully awake) and put her down again. She will sleep like that until around 3 when she stirs and I bring her into bed with us. I could probably just give her a paci and leave her in the pack 'n play, but I really like waking up to her and snuggling.
VISITS/OUTINGS: Avery spent Thursday with Grandma Denise again and went for a walk with Ma'am and River while the weather was nice on Tuesday. 
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES:  Avery loves to show people her new sounds. This week she has mastered the high pitched, long, drawn-out scream. It's lovely. Just ask the patrons of Wal-Mart on Sunday. Yes, we are officially those parents.
MOMMY FEELS: Astonishment. It's so fun to watch her little brain working.
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: Avery has her 6 month checkup next Friday. I can't wait to see how much she has grown. I can feel her getting bigger -- especially when we are carrying her in her carseat.

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