Friday, June 3, 2011

43 weeks!

WEEK: 43
WEIGHT: 20+lbs
LENGTH: 29+ in
HEAD: 17+ in
MILESTONES: Avery took her very first steps this week! She's not walking yet, but she is getting very very close. for now she looks like a mini Frankenstein.
OBLIGATORY ADORABLE PICTURE: Taken today at 43 weeks 2 days. The chair looks slightly different in the last couple of photos because the lighting is so different in our new place and I am still trying to figure out my new camera.
EATING: Every day is a food adventure!
SLEEPING: Sleeping is very interrupted these days because Avery has a few teeth that seem to be trying to come through. If they would just pop out already I would appreciate it. 
VISITS/OUTINGS: Avery has had lots of playdates this week. On Friday of last week Aly and Capri visited. Avery is getting better about sharing toys -- sort of. The first thing she did when Capri came to play was rip the bow right of the top of her head. After that they played like champs stealing toys back and forth. Luckily CC can handle her own! Then yesterday Christina and Lailah visited and Avery didn't really have time to be a bully since she slept through half of the visit!
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: Avery has been a napping champion lately. If only she'd save up that sleep and use it at night when I'd like to sleep too that would be great. Other than that she loves to test out her walking legs.
MOMMY FEELS: So lucky to have been the person to which Avery took her first steps. And that Daddy was there to see it. 
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: Avery continuing to learn her walking skills and maybe even learn to say mama at some point. Also we have swimming "lessons" starting in two weeks!

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