Wednesday, June 29, 2011

47 weeks!

WEEK: 47
WEIGHT: roughly 23lbs fully clothed with shoes.
LENGTH: 30" by my estimate
HEAD: 17"+
MILESTONES: Avery has added a new word to her vocabulary. She now says Hi while waving. It's adorable. We also have a fourth tooth!
OBLIGATORY ADORABLE PICTURE: It's getting harder and harder to get a good one of her sitting still, smiling, facing the camera, etc.
EATING: What can I say? She's a foodie. 
SLEEPING: Some days I long for the days when she would sleep for 3+ hours soundly in her My Little Lamb swing and I could actually get a little sleep too. Lately it seems that 3 hours is only achieved if we are awake. Withing the first hour of us going to bed she stirs and must be soothed. We are I am regularly getting up to replace the paci, rock, soothe, etc at least 3 times per night. I hope now that this last tooth has broken through we might have a few nights of decent sleep. please.
VISITS/OUTINGS: Avery spent today at Ma'am's while Justin and I shopped for her birthday party. We got tons of stuff and even had a grown up lunch! Tomorrow we will be going to our second installment of gymnastics. Last week we went on a Wednesday. The mamas and babies were nice but not too friendly, so we'll be trying Thursdays to see if we like that group better. 
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: Avery has taken a liking to babbling incessantly to random objects. It's quite hilarious, actually. 
MOMMY FEELS: tired. Hopefully we get some better sleep this week. 
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: Planning Avery's birthday party has been quite the event, but we are so looking forward to celebrating this first year with our family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the crappy sleep, mama. I so feel your pain!

    P.S. I think we need an adorable video of A talking to a random object. :)
